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March 8, 2023

College unites for International Women’s Day

Today the College celebrates the phenomenal contribution of girls and women to the life of the school and the world at large, and the trails they have blazed to create opportunity for others.

Women make up 70% of the College workforce, which equates to 94 individual amazing women who move mountains every day so that our school can thrive.

Today is a day for everyone at the College: an opportunity to reflect on the ways that we can each maintain a gender equal mindset; find the courage to challenge bias and call out gendered actions; forge the positive visibility of girls and women at school and in the workplace; and honour the achievements of all of our female students and teachers.

At Tatachilla we are privileged to know and work with women who are forging positive changes in education, elevating the role of women in all professions, especially male dominated ones, and empowering our young girls to know their voice and make positive choices for themselves as they move through life.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity.

At Tatachilla we understand that equity is not the same as equality.

Equality is about making sure that everyone is given the same resources or opportunities.

Equity, on the other hand, is about understanding that each person is coming from a different place and helping them to remove the social, economic or systemic barriers that may be preventing them from living a life without bias. It’s an important distinction.

Here at the College we believe that each of us can actively support and embrace equity within our own sphere of influence.

We are committed to ensuring that our school remains a workplace where women can thrive.

We are equally determined to model a world for our students where diversity, inclusivity and fairness are fundamental values.

Tatachilla Lutheran College wishes all members of its community a very happy International Women’s Day in 2023.

“I raise up my voice - not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.” – Malala Yousafzai