How does the BYOD program work?
All Tatachilla Lutheran College students enrolled at the college from Year 2 to Year 12 are expected to bring their own device to school every day.
Students from Year 2 to Year 6 are required to have an iPad while students from Year 7 to Year 12 are required to have a laptop. These specifications are based on the suitability for the students age and in some cases the specific subjects they study (media and music).
These devices are required to be enrolled with ICT Services before use in the classroom and are expected to meet the minimum device requirements provided below in the Minimum Devices Specifications information.
As students will be accessing the College network they will be required to agree to the Acceptable Use Agreement that sets out how the device can be used at Tatachilla Lutheran College.
Our ICT Services department is available to answer questions and to give assistance if required.
- Call ICT Services at (08) 8323 4466
- Email ICT Services at