Tatachilla views all students as active citizens in their world: capable, influential and inherently qualified to make a difference.

The college also believes that the school years are an ideal time for children to draw on these innate qualities to grow as leaders.

As such, all students – regardless of whether or not they are college office-bearers – are encouraged to develop life skills in active listening, informed decision-making, empathy and conflict resolution.

They are further supported to find their personal voice, become proactive resolution-seekers, leverage the strengths of others to achieve team success and act with grace and compassion.

The college offers formal leadership opportunities to students who demonstrate initiative, dedication, social conscience, respect for others and team-mindedness and who have earned the trust and support of the staff and student body.

The student leadership program is designed to foster personal growth, character development and career readiness.

 Tatachilla 2025

Formal student leadership positions

The formal leadership positions that are typically offered annually by the college are outlined below:

Junior years (Reception to Year 6)

  • Two captains of the junior years (Year 6)
  • Two Emerald House captains (Year 6)
  • Two Ruby House captains (Year 6)
  • Two Sapphire House captains (Year 6)
  • Two Topaz House captains (Year 6)
  • One student representative from each class from Reception to Year 6, who each participate on the Student Representative Council (SRC) 

Middle years (Years 7-9)

  • Two captains of the middle years (Year 9)
  • Two deputy captains of the middle years (Year 9)
  • One student representative from each House at each year level (Years 7-9), who each participate on the Student Representative Council (SRC) 

Senior years (Years 10-12)

  • Two captains of the whole college (Year 12)
  • Two deputy captains of the whole college (Year 12)
  • Two Emerald House captains (Year 12)
  • Two Ruby House captains (Year 12)
  • Two Sapphire House captains (Year 12)
  • Two Topaz House captains (Year 12)
  • One student representative from each House at each year level (Years 10-11), who each participate on the Student Representative Council (SRC) 

Application for student leadership positions is via written letter and a verbal presentation to peers and positions are awarded based on the merits of the application and a student and staff vote.

 Tatachilla 2025

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We believe that all things are possible.

What makes us unique