Welcome to Junior School

 Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

At Tatachilla, it’s personal 


Each child is an individual. They have their own story, achievements and challenges.

While our curriculum has core elements, our teaching is highly personalised and rich in experiences enabling each student to grow.

Children bring an understanding of themselves and the world around them. The Junior School curriculum builds their literacy and numeracy skills across all areas of the curriculum. They are given opportunities to become independent and active learners, who are curious, inquiring, reflective and engaged in their learning. They enjoy playing and learning together, developing the skills and dispositions for individual endeavour and collaborative enterprise.

Learning through play and outdoor learning

Play is one of many ways children learn. Play contributes to the cognitive, social and emotional development of our students. It also creates an environment for creativity to flourish, and for students to practise fine and gross motor skills, decision making and problem solving skills.

Our unique environment allows for a wide range of play opportunities, on the oval, in the natural creek setting, or in our ‘ruin’ and mud-kitchen. Play at Tatachilla includes: games with rules, imaginative and dramatic play, construction, STEM play and nature play.

Surrounded by mature trees and well-maintained gardens, the Junior School enjoys an expansive setting and outlook that encourages exploration, curiosity and imagination. With the mini-beast and bush tucker gardens, a seasonal creek and extensive areas of lawn, each classroom has the great outdoors on its doorstep.


Year level identity

Each year level has a unique focus for the year. Reception is the first year of schooling, and is a year of dynamic growth and discovery. 

Year 1s develop their digital citizenship as they enter the BYOD iPad Program. They consolidate their skills as writers, readers, mathematicians and inquirers about their world. 

Year 2s grow in independence that culminates in their first overnight camp. They further develop STEM skills needed for scientific investigation. 

Year 3s have the opportunity to develop nature spaces with an understanding of the connection between how we live and how we share and support other living species in these areas. The development of a butterfly nurturing garden is one example of how they experience mathematical and scientific concepts in these spaces. 

In Year 4, the EcoSanctuary and Classroom is a key focus. Children spend sustained periods of time outdoors, experience the seasonal changes and engage with their learning in a calming natural environment

Year 5s undertake the personal challenge of ‘Conquer the Mountain’, which encourages perseverance and independence in outdoor experiences. 

Year 6 students have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills as they reflect on their Junior School learning journey. As leaders of the Junior School, they facilitate whole school assemblies, sporting and service events. They have the opportunity to lead as House Captains or Junior School Captains.

Developing readers and writers

All children are readers and writers. Our children create their own books and texts. They write about what interests them and share these with their peers. All students develop their skills and stamina for reading and writing through workshops that build creativity, thinking skills and a love for the written and spoken word in all its forms. They develop the early building blocks of reading through a whole-school phonics based approach and become independent readers.

Through the study of English our students learn to communicate and express themselves, building relationships with others.

 Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

Budding mathematicians

Our students are confident and creative mathematicians. They discover that mathematics is all around them. They develop essential mathematical skills and knowledge in number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. They appreciate the power of mathematical reasoning, that is integrated across the curriculum and into their world.

Our students develop:

  • a robust understanding of mathematical concepts

  • fluency in choosing appropriate mathematical procedures

  • problem solving strategies for investigating problems and communicating solutions

  • a broad range of mathematical  strategies and know how and when to apply them.


STEM is an approach to learning that combines the skills and ways of thinking in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

As scientists, students learn to observe, investigate and experiment. As engineers, students use the tools and strategies of technology to problem solve and design a range of solutions. As mathematicians, students find patterns and connections. 

STEM is a powerful, integrated approach when used by students to solve problems and find solutions that they have identified in familiar contexts. Our outdoor play areas enable wonderful engineering and mathematical solutions to be explored and developed.

Specialist teachers

Students access specialised learning in the areas of Physical Education, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Japanese.

Our specialist teachers bring a wealth of knowledge to these subject areas, enabling  students to develop their individual skills, interests and talents. They express their understanding of their world as artists, linguists and athletes.

 Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

Concept-driven learning


Concepts are big ideas that provide ways for children to make connections within and across their learning. The development of understanding through concepts and significant ideas results in more meaningful and connected learning, enabling learners to see patterns, make connections and apply their understandings to new contexts.

The key concepts from Reception to Year 6 are: ​​

  1. Form - what is it like?
    How something looks, feels, sounds, smells, moves or goes together
  2. Purpose - how does it work?
    How and why something is done or created
  3. Cause and effect - why is it like it is?
    The cause and effect of an interaction
  4. Continuity and change - how is it transforming?
    How things have stayed the same or changed over time
  5. Connection - how is it linked to other things?
    The connections within and between things
  6. Perspective - what are the points of view?
    The range of opinions and beliefs people have about something
  7. Place and time  - where is it in place and time?
    Where and when things happen in the world throughout history
  8. Rights and responsibilities - what are rights and responsibilities?
    The roles, rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups of people
  9. Significance - why is it important? 
    The meaning or importance of something to an individual or group of people.

Concepts are embedded throughout the Australian Curriculum, which provides the medium through which these concepts are developed, explored and understood.

 Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

Australian Curriculum

Tatachilla Lutheran College Junior School fully implements the Australian Curriculum for all areas of learning, with Christian Studies forming an additional area of learning.

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (incorporating History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics and Business)
  • The Arts (at Tatachilla, Visual Arts and Performing Arts)
  • Technologies (incorporating Digital Technologies, and Design and Technologies)
  • Languages (at Tatachilla, Japanese is offered as an additional language)

Follow this link to ACARA information for parents, which provides an overview of the Australian Curriculum for each year level.



Christian Studies

Christian Studies is a key learning area within the curricular program of the College and operates within the same parameters as other learning areas. It is an expectation that all students participate in Christian Studies. Students inquire into the Christian Church, Christianity in the World, Christian Beliefs and Christian Living.

Christian Studies is also expressed through the culture of the College, teaching and learning activities, the worship program, pastoral care for students and staff, and behaviour management policies and practices.

Follow this link to Lutheran Education Australia’s Christian Studies Curriculum Framework. https://www.lutheran.edu.au/download/cscf-2015/?wpdmdl=1276

 Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

Co-curricula learning

Co-curricula and extra-curricula programs offer all students a range of sporting, musical, cultural and creative opportunities.

These include extensive SAPSASA sporting teams and competitions, instrumental music groups, Junior School choir, school musicals, and lunchtime special interest groups such as the Tinker Table, Woodwork Wednesdays, Flight Club, Art Club etc.

These provide opportunities for the development of teamwork, leadership, organisational skills, persistence, time management, social skills, self esteem and confidence.


Learning Principles

View Tatachilla Lutheran College's Learning Principles. 

Tatachilla Lutheran College
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Website design Adelaide: Boylen