Counselling at Tatachilla

Tatachilla regards the mental health and wellbeing of our students as a high priority.

The Counselling team works with families and teachers to provide one on one support, and encouragement for our students who may be working through issues such as anxiety, grief and loss, friendship issues, learning difficulties or struggling with other mental health conditions.

The team consist of Mike Ebert, Sue Chapman and Misty, our beautiful counselling dog.

The counselling office is located just near the MS/SS Student Services Office and offers a private space for students to discuss their concerns with a trained counsellor. A small wellbeing room is also located nearby for those students who need a safe quiet space to self-regulate before returning to class.

Our service is available each school day and appointments can be made by booking through the counselling appointments button on the SEQTA page, or by contacting the counsellors directly. The counselling team does not provide long term psychological support, but the counsellors regularly liaise with other service providers where possible and are happy to make referrals to external services.

Parents or guardians are also welcome to contact the counsellors to discuss any concerns they have for their children.

Tatachilla Lutheran College
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Website design Adelaide: Boylen