Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

Parent partner program

Tatachilla’s parent partner program is a grassroots initiative that brings the college’s parent volunteers together in a positive and guided way to offer meaningful support to fellow parents and caregivers throughout the course of a single school year.

The college is blessed to have a strong and close-knit school community that is enriched by committed parent volunteers who make a significant difference to college events and the overall school experience.

What is a ‘parent partner’?
A ‘parent partner’ is an existing parent or caregiver within the school community who volunteers their time throughout the school year to support other parents and caregivers through community-building and information-sharing.

The college endeavours to appoint a minimum of two parent partners per year level from Reception to Year 12 on an annual basis.

Some parent partners may choose to continue on in their parent partner role from year-to-year, though this is not an expectation of the college.

What do parent partners do?

Parent partners undertake the following volunteer responsibilities:

  • manage the Facebook group for their year level and use this channel to communicate key announcements, reminders and other information relevant to the parents and caregivers in that year level (as related to Tatachilla)
  •  make an effort to get to know the families in their year level and play a key role in welcoming new families to the school 
  • encourage other parents and caregivers to participate in college activities and events
  • help identify other parents in the school community who may be interested in volunteering from time to time and who may have particular talents to share with the college
  • coordinate and provide support for families in crisis situations
  • coordinate the end-of-year gift for the teachers in their year level

Support for parent partners

Parent partners are supported in their volunteer roles by the college’s Marketing Coordinator Sally Moran, who hosts one meeting per term with the parent partner community to track progress and share ideas.

Tatachilla Lutheran College
Copyright © 2025 Tatachilla Lutheran College
Website design Adelaide: Boylen