A vibrant teaching and learning space

The Tatachilla Lutheran College Library offers a comprehensive collection of print, visual, audio and digital resources to engage and support the school community. 

The collection is regularly updated with new fiction and non-fiction releases, as well as pedagogical and pastoral care materials.

The Library is a vibrant teaching and learning space, staffed by trained teacher-librarians and support staff, in addition to student volunteers.

Within the Library, there are a variety of spaces to provide for independent and collaborative learning, as well as whole class groups.  These areas are designed to be flexible in order to cater for a range of learning styles and use of various technologies.

In addition to the resource collection, the Library facilitates student access to computers, iPads and video conferencing equipment, as well as printing, copying and laminating services.

Literature and learning

Students in Reception to Year 9 are engaged in a library curriculum on a weekly basis with a teacher-librarian. Based on the Australian Curriculum, students are involved in a dynamic learning program targeting thinking, research and information skills.

Library staff foster a of love of literature and learning through various initiatives including the Premier’s Reading Challenge, MS Read for a Reason, CBCA Book Week, visiting authors, interactive displays and competitions. The Library also has a range of puzzles, games and craft activities available for Junior School students.

Library opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 4.00pm

Lunchtime: Open

Recess: Closed


Tatachilla Lutheran College
Copyright © 2025 Tatachilla Lutheran College
Website design Adelaide: Boylen