Tatachilla Lutheran College 2017

The EcoClassroom

Tatachilla Lutheran College has a holistic approach to environmental education through curricular and extra-curricular activities. The College values the importance of teaching sustainable principles and is committed to increasing student awareness of natural system processes. Environmental education empowers the College community with knowledge. The College promotes positive actions, both locally and nationally, by encouraging students to contribute as responsible Australians and interact as global citizens.

The EcoClassroom is a 2.2 ha revegetated site, modelled on natural ecosystems that once existed in the McLaren Vale region. Officially opening in 2000, it is a unique resource, created to develop in students and visitors a sense of the importance of nature and the natural process. The intention is to promote an attitude of enjoyment, whilst at the same time, a caring and responsible approach towards the environment, with the aim of making a difference in the world beyond. The area is home to native fauna including Brush-Tailed Bettongs, Long-Nosed Potoroos and Tammar Wallabies. Students and visitors to the EcoClassroom experience hands-on activities through a range of learning areas including macro-invertebrate investigation, native fauna monitoring and vegetation associations.

The EcoClassroom is a community resource and we welcome all visitors.

Learn more about Tatachilla’s

For further information about the EcoClassroom and to make a booking please phone 8323 4408 or email eco@tatachilla.sa.edu.au


Tatachilla Lutheran College
Copyright © 2025 Tatachilla Lutheran College
Website design Adelaide: Boylen