Bus Fare Payment Options

Bus Fares are charged at a flat rate of $3.10 per trip.

Frequency of travel on the bus services will determine the best payment option.

The two available payment types are:

  1. SingleTrip Travel - pay per trip each time the student "Taps On" the system

  2. Term Pass Travel - pay up front for the term (discount applies)

To use either of these payment options, you must first set up each student's BusMinder Account Payment Method as follows:

BusMinder - Setting up Payment Method (first time only)

Before you can "Top Up" a student's account, the payment method needs to be set up using the following steps:

  1. Log in to the BusMinder Parent App (download from iOS or Android stores)

  2. Tap "Account"

  3. Tap "Payment"

  4. Tap "Change Payment Method" and follow the prompts

Once the Payment Method is set up, you can make your chosen purchase.

Term Pass

Term Passes

Term Passes are offered at a discounted rate each term and benefit those students who will catch the bus to and from school every day of the school term.

How the Term Pass Works

Note: this feature is available on BusMinder Parent for Apple v40.0.22.150 and Android v2.1.5 and higher

Term passes are available for purchase on the BusMinder Parent App during the term break leading up to the coming school term. The deadline for Term Pass purchases is the last day of each school term break after which time the option is removed from the Parent App.

Purchasing a Term Pass effectively "locks" the student's BusMinder account when the Term Pass becomes "active" for the period of the new school term. Each time the student taps on the bus, no funds are deducted from their account. All other BusMinder functions operate as normal.

While the Term Pass is "active", the student's current account balance is locked until the end of the term. On first day of the term break, the student's account is unlocked and will become active again.

BusMinder - Purchasing a Term Pass (enabled during each term break period only)

Note: the Payment Method must be set up prior to purchase

Each student account balance is to be managed from the Parent App as follows:

  1. Log In to the BusMinder Parent App

  2. Tap "Students"

  3. Tap the student's name

  4. Tap "Top Up"

  5. Tap "Term Pass"

  6. Check the description that appears (should indicate that it is a Term Pass)

  7. Tap "Checkout"

  8. Tap "Buy Now"

SingleTrip Travel

SingleTrip Travel - pay per trip & "Auto Top Up"

SingleTrip travel is charged at a flat rate of $3.10 per trip.

Morning School Runs (fare charging) - each time a student "Taps On", the system will deduct the trip fare from their BusMinder account and the parent/s will receive a "boarding" notification which includes the student's current account balance.

Afternoon School Runs (fare charging) - each time a student "Taps Off", the system will deduct the trip fare from their BusMinder account and the parent/s will receive a "disembark" notification which includes the student's current account balance. If the student fails to "Tap Off", the parent will not receive a notification and the fare will be charged at the end of the school run when the driver ends the trip.

BusMinder - Topping up the student Account

Note: the Payment Method must be set up prior to purchase

Each student account balance is to be managed from the Parent App as follows:

  1. Log In to the BusMinder Parent App

  2. Tap "Students"

  3. Tap the student's name

  4. Tap "Top Up"

  5. Tap the Top Up amount (description of each will be displayed)

  6. Tap "Checkout"

  7. Tap "Buy Now"

Auto Top Up option - (available on $30.00 fare)

Note: this feature is available on BusMinder Parent for Apple v40.0.22.150 and Android v2.1.5 and higher

The BusMinder Parent App offers the option to have the student's account "Auto Top Up" on selected payment amounts once the student account drops below $5.00 This option can be turned on under the Top Up $30.00 fare option and then Cancelled by the user by going back into Top Up at any time.

Please note that there are no refunds of money remaining on BusMinder Accounts so if a students is approaching time to leave the College, it is best to ensure this option is switched off so there is time to run the balance down.

Tatachilla Lutheran College
Copyright © 2024 Tatachilla Lutheran College
Website design Adelaide: Boylen